When Being Yourself Isn't Good Enough

“Be yourself.” This is some pretty common advice. I’ve given it and I’ve gotten it. It is great advice when it comes to making an impression, whether that is in speaking with others, meeting a new person, or getting to know...

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How to Put Up For Yourself

Life is full of things that can knock you down. From a boss who says things that get under your skin, to the kids seemingly ganging up on you; from the friend or significant other who critiques you, to the coworkers who seem to be building a case...

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Dare to Be Different

Years ago, Dad once asked me to sew a new button on his work shirt. He had no idea what was coming. Yes, I replaced the missing button in question. But then I dug though the rest of the button container, and sought out about 5 of the biggest,...

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Appreciation Versus Gratitude

The terms gratitude and appreciation are often used interchangeably, but have you ever paused to consider the difference?

Gratitude is expressing or showing your thanks for something or someone. It’s like, “Honey, thanks for painting...

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How to Create your Future Today

There is no shortage of evidence that we are in the future. Computers in our pockets, cars that drive themselves, voice-activated devices were all once just futuristic ideas, but now they are our reality. Yesterday, we could only dream of today.


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Celebrate Success Big and Small

Last weekend I was with my 11 year old nephew. He was on his bike and I was walking a little ways behind him. I watched as he approached a certain spot on his path. The spot in question was mud a couple days before and someone had driven a vehicle...

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Using Emotion to Colour Your World

Did you know that dolphins can not see colour? Imagine, a world without colour! 

Now imagine seeing colour…after a lifetime of never seeing it! How overwhelming, confusing maybe even scary!

Humans sometimes experience something similar...

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A Closer Look at the Two Wolves

We each have two wolves within us: a Love wolf and a Fear wolf. The wolf we feed wins. Read the whole blog here: A Tale of Two Wolves

People often look around at life and wonder, “Gosh, why am I so unhappy? Why is my life so hard? Why...

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A Tale of Two Wolves

An old Cherokee told his grandson,
“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility,...

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How to Get the Approval You Seek

Think about the concept of a spoiled child for a moment. What does spoiled really mean? When a child is spoiled it means that they get too much approval constantly. And this approval comes from outside them, from parents, family, and strangers in...

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