#1 Resilience-Building Strategy

There are different ways to describe resilience: bouncing back from challenge, perseverance, grit, strength, keeping going.

But the most accurate and well-rounded description of resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and...

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Sheep aren’t usually associated with courage. But for me they are.

I’m a sheep farmer.

I know. It’s a bit random, but after a bit of research, my husband and I decided to purchase a flock of sheep. So now we are sheep farmers.


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What Does God Feel Like?

No matter what name you give The Divine - God, Source, Universe, Life Energy - it is in you. You are made of It/Him/Her. That is the Truth. Religions say it. Science says it. (If you don’t think science agrees, look into Quantum Science.)


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More Gossip

I know that I gossip. So, I have consciously tried to stop talking about other people altogether. But it turns out, that really doesn’t have to be the goal! (Thank goodness, because I don’t know what else I would talk about. LOL.)


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The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

I’m a little bit ashamed to admit this to you. I’m watching a show on Netflix called Mom. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a comedy that follows a mother and her adult daughter as they struggle with overcoming their...

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More Appreciation

I don’t know about you, but I can take so much for granted. I have the tendency to “sleepwalk” through life and not really notice all the blessings I experience IN EVERY MOMENT. It’s funny that oftentimes it takes me losing...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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Healthy as a Horse

I’ve never had the good privilege to see them in person, but there’s something about wild horses that capture the imagination.

In the wild horses, we see harmonious herds that move and think as one, protective stallions, tender moments...

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How to Set Your Emotional Thermostat

A thermostat is a device that automatically regulates temperature.

The job of the thermostat in your home is to keep the ambient temperature of your house at a comfortable level. This comfortable level is programmed or set into the thermostat by...

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