Fear of Transformation

A new year typically brings thoughts of new goals, new beginnings, new adventures, new habits, new ways of living life.

Why do we do this?

The aim is to transform our lives. We want to make our lives better, brighter, easier. We want to be a...

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Are You Joyful?

It’s winter.

Not my favourite season. I mean, there isn’t much to be joyful about. It’s so long. So dark. So cold.

And then there’s the snow. Usually a lot. It makes (nearly) everything more difficult. Ugh.

I sometimes feel...

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Proper Preparation

Christmas can be a challenging time, so preparing for it is important.

When you think about preparations for Christmas, you might think about hanging lights, shopping and gift wrapping, decorating, baking, house cleaning, meal planning, setting up...

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Black/White. Right/Wrong. Good/Bad. Up/Down. Left/Right. Big/Small. Tall/Short. Light/Dark. Beauty/Ugly. Success/Failure.


This is how the brain functions. When you receive information with your cranial brain, it always tries to label,...

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Gratitude and Generosity

I am on an email list. Every day, I receive an email from Father Richard Rohr. He has so much good stuff to say and he sometimes shares some stuff from other authors, speakers, and thought-leaders. This email really struck a cord in...

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Growth and Freedom

I read this powerful quote. It is often attributed to Viktor Frankl, but it is actually from an unknown source. I just had to share it.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In...

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You Are Worthy

Feelings of worthlessness are common among us humans. But those feelings are not reflections of fact. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, you have worth and are worthy. That’s a fact.

Feelings of worthlessness are the result of...

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What Comes To Mind?

When you think of ‘stress management’, what comes to mind?

Do you picture a bathtub filled with warm water covered in bubbles? Do you see yourself getting a massage? A mani/pedi? Do you think about a girls’/men’s night out?...

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My Frisbee Pride

My puppy, Toby, loves to play fetch, so I bought a new toy- a rubber frisbee.

 I know how to throw a frisbee. Like, I’m not very good at a lot of things, but I pride myself on my ability to throw a frisbee. I used to throw a frisbee...

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You Have More Control Than You Think

There is so much going on in your world, personally and globally, including events and situations such as health challenges, family schedules, and supply chain issues.

There is so much you cannot control!

No wonder you’re stressed, right?


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