Is That a Threat?

I was 17 years old, a week or 2 after I graduated high school, before having Google maps on a phone was a thing, when I was involved in a car accident.

I was driving my family farm’s delivery van loaded with eggs to a store in a near city....

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Your Childhood Matters

I have done a lot of reading as I work towards becoming certified in Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or “Tapping”). It is a self-help tool that one can do by themselves or be guided in to help release emotional baggage.


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A New Term

Moment of truth: other people’s opinions bother me. I try not to let that happen, but it still does. I am working on it and I am making progress.

There’s a term, a made-up word, that I heard somewhere - I can’t remember where....

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Shame: The Not-So-Good Driver

Several years ago, I remember thinking that it was time for me to lose a little weight. I wasn’t massively overweight, I just noticed that my clothes seemed to be fitting tighter than they were and I didn’t like that. So, I started...

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Deeper Motivation

For many people, a new year means new year’s resolutions. But if you’re anything like me, that resolution lasts about one month…maybe, if I’m lucky.

Why is that? Is it because I lack willpower? Maybe.

But a very...

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Holiday Stress

The holidays are just around the corner and, for some (or maybe most) people, that means holiday stress. 

But what is that, really?

Well, technically, “the holidays” themselves don’t cause you stress. The stress you...

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Are You Resigned to Stress?

I stumbled across an article posted in 2014 by the Heartmath Institute. Although the article is nearly 10 years old, the information remains crucial in our pursuit of living lives of less stress and more happiness. I strongly believe more people...

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You have probably heard of the acronym “FOMO”. It's the “Fear of Missing Out”. The fear that others are doing something fun without you, that others have it better than you do, and/or that you are missing out on...

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Never Go Back

“I feel like I’m going backwards.”

“I’m scared of going backwards.”

I hear this from my clients sometimes. Maybe you’ve even thought it or said it.

The “going backwards” that I am referring to...

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Your Relationships

Relationships have the potential to be a source of great stress. They also have the potential to be the source of great support and sense of belonging - a great stress relief!

Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of “The 5 Love Languages”,...

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