Hummingbird Moments

Several days ago, I chatted with a friend of mine. He told me what a friend of his told him that really stuck with him, and I wanted to share it with you.

This friend of his told him about “Hummingbird Moments”.

Hummingbirds are...

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Emotional Junk Food

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I like eating junk food. Chocolate and potatoes chips are my nemesis (especially chocolate-covered potato chips…hey, don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it! It’s a perfect...

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Two Types of Forgiveness

Last week, we talked about the three different levels of apology. It is only fitting that this week we talk about forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is hard, there’s no doubt about it. The way I see it, there are two different kinds of...

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How to Apologize

“I am sorry.”

These three words hold a lot of potential for healing, but are all apologies created equal?

No, definitely not. 

Apologies vary in effectiveness depending on the level of maturity behind them.

The first level of...

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The Extinction of Discernment

Along with the dodo, the Tasmanian tiger, the wooly mammoth, and the passenger pigeon, here’s another item to add to the extinction list: discernment.

What is discernment? It is the ability to sense, grasp, and comprehend obscure ideas....

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The Most Dangerous Type of Person

We are told from a young age from our protective parents, teachers, clergy, doctors, and media that the world can be a dangerous place, filled with dangerous people.

In my opinion, the most dangerous type of person is the Know-It-All.


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When Your Strengths Become Weaknesses

You have strengths. You may or may not be aware of them, but you have them. They might include curiosity, playfulness, compassion, kindness, patience, discipline, perseverance, honesty, or determination, to name a few. 

Using your strengths...

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Tidying Up

I like to keep my house pretty clean. 

By no means is it immaculate. I have the odd dust bunny scampering around, dusty book shelves, and a variable sized laundry pile on any given day. But for the most part, I wouldn’t feel the need to...

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How to Deal with People

People. They can be so hurtful. They can be judgemental, condescending, angry, pitying, patronizing. They can express their low faith in you. They can lie about you. They can gossip about you. They can say things you disagree with. They can drive...

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Stop Trying to Improve

I’m an improvement-junkie. I’m addicted to fixing problems, improving my life, and building myself to be better. 

This tendency in me seems to have brought me to where I am now personally and professionally; I want to believe it...

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