Don't Seize the Day

I admit it. I wouldn’t consider myself a “morning person”- I don’t get excited to hear the alarm clock ring and I’m not very motivated to leave the warmth and comfort of my bed. 

But there is something almost...

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The Extra-Ordinary

Last weekend, I re-watched an old (-ish) movie from 2010, Extraordinary Measures with Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford. The movie was inspired by true events. It’s about a couple that have 3 kids. 2 of them, aged 6 and 8, have...

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Happiness and Potato Chips

I love potato chips.

I particularly love Old Dutch Rip-L, Ketchup, and BBQ and plain Ruffles. Lay's regular are good too.

But no matter what flavour I’m munching on (okay, I’ll be honest, it’s more like snarfing), there is one...

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This is My Story

I thought I was losing my mind. I wasn’t acting like myself and I didn’t know why. I didn’t understand what was happening to me.

Last year was hard for everyone. It was hard for me, too…but not just because of these Covid...

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What's Your Type?

You are unique. 

Out of the billions of people that have walked this planet, there has only ever been one YOU!

But because of your uniqueness and differences, it can be difficult to make sense of yourself and of others. 

The Enneagram is...

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Guilt and Gratitude

I am very fortunate.

I have parents that love me dearly. They provide me with so much to satisfy (and over satisfy!) my material, financial, educational, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. They want me to flourish and live a full life and...

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Recipe for a Happy Life

I love cooking and baking. I don’t do anything fancy, but I enjoy making good food. Usually, I find a recipe on the internet, start making it, realize half way through that I don’t have one of the ingredients, and then proceed to wing...

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You're Dying

What if you went to the doctor today and were given a terminal diagnosis? What if you were told that you’re dying?

What would you do with your remaining days?

I know what I would do.

My days would be filled with simple pleasures. I’d...

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Who Are You?

My dad has a few saying that have stuck with us, his 9 children. As I’ve gotten older, the meaning of the sayings have morphed but remain just as true and powerful. One of the sayings is “Remember who you are.”

But who am I? Who...

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The Perfect Relationship

For as long as I remember, I have loved horses. If I wasn’t pretending to be one, I was drawing them, painting them, or sculpting them out of clay. And all day long I was imagining them.

Every prayer, every birthday candle, every falling...

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