Expecting the Worst

When I was in school, I got good grades. In the 90s. But I wanted 100%.

Anything less than 100% felt not good enough. And when I would get a test or assignment back and it wasn’t 100%, it would hurt. 

So, to “lessen the...

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Human or Robot?

Have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of videos that YouTube suggests for you?

I did just yesterday. It suggested I watch this video and other videos like it explaining the dangers of AI (artificial intelligence) and the pace at which...

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How Can Resilience Help You?


Resilience seems to be a buzz word. We know that having resilience is important to not being stressed, but what is resilience?

Having greater resilience enhances your ability to maintain your composure and be in charge of how you respond.

You can...

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What We Resist Persists

Okay, so I’ve been trying to find a way to describe a certain concept for quite some time now. And I haven’t been able to so eloquently word it as Father Richard Rohr wrote in his daily email one of the days this week.


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Shifting My Beliefs

I was recently involved in a project that required group work. I have never been a fan of group work; I’d usually rather work alone.

In school, if we had been assigned group work, and if it was possible, I would try to take on the whole...

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Are You Owned?

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was owned by the drinking water.

Let me explain.

When I lived on the farm with my parents, the well water that we drank was very distinct. The water was good and it had a certain taste...

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Voices in My Head

(I understand that this can be a deep topic and confusing to some people. I encourage you to read this with an attitude of curiosity and playfulness.)

Did you know that you talk to yourself?

No, you’re not crazy. No, you’re not...

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Simple, Powerful Breathing Technique

I recently had an experience with my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, in which I was relaying to her one of my painful past memories. As I was explaining it, my breathing became rapid and shallow, my vision narrowed, my mind was...

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Compassion Meditation

It doesn’t matter if you use the word God, Universe, Creator, Higher Power, Love, or All-That-Is, there is no denying that we are all connected by something. Science and research is showing the truth of this: we are all one.


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Why So Negative?

I am working towards my certification in Clinical EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (you’ll be hearing more about EFT in the future) and I am required to read several books. One of them is Coaching Psychology By Dawson Church and Stephanie...

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