The Healing Layer

It’s been a rough couple months for me and my husband.

That’s why I wasn’t terribly excited to go to the family reunion this weekend. I didn’t really know how to respond to the typical, “Hi, how are you?”

I knew...

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Lessons from Geese

Nature is a fantastic teacher! We only have to heed its lessons.

Let’s look at some lessons we can learn from geese. As you read these facts, see how they apply not only to a flock of geese, but also to human teams, individuals who are...

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Best Stress Management Routine

I was recently asked, “What do you do for your stress management routine?”

I thought this was a great question because, one, a routine implies that stress management is not a “once and done” thing; routine implies that it...

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Benefits of Conquering Stress

Before I list the benefits of conquering stress, let’s back up and look at what it means to conquer stress.

Conquering stress doesn’t mean that you will never have stress, or anger, anxiety, sadness, depression or any other depleting...

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It's Complicated

The world is a complicated place.

Well, it isn’t really, but we sure can make it into a complicated place.

There are complicated relationships. Some people have complicated pasts. Most people have been involved in a complicated situation....

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Changing Opinions

Some of you know this about me, but I grew up on a farm. My family has always had a dog. I can remember 3 dogs from my time on the farm. All three of them were Norwegian Elkhounds. All of them named Duke - Duke I, Duke II, …and you guessed...

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Pinch of Fear

At more than a century old, my Grandma passed away.

She was a big fan of the spice, nutmeg.

She would put nutmeg in pumpkin pie. She would put nutmeg with apples. She would make some type of nutmeg and milk pie. She would put nutmeg in her...

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Don't Brace Yourself

A woman recently spoke to me about her work situation. She is a manager in an organization that has to report to a group of people that have the tendency to be harsh and they often reject (in an inconsiderate way) the ideas her team puts forward.

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Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness are buzzwords when it comes to mental and emotional health.

But there sure is a lot of confusion out there about these two terms that can often lead to more harm than good.

Let’s briefly explore each of these to...

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Mad Scientist Moment

I had a mad scientist moment. 

The kind of “Eureka!” moment when something I was thinking about, studying, and analyzing came into clear focus. A moment where complicated things became quite simple. 

Obviously we talk about...

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