2 Pillars of Stress Management

Stress management doesn’t have to be stressful! It shouldn’t be stressful! (It would kinda defeat the purpose of managing it in the first place. LOL) 

The foundation of stress management is really quite simple.

The foundation...

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Hidden Stress

When I have to remember to bring something somewhere in a day or two, I leave it in the way, like on the way to the door so that I have to step over it in order to not forget it when I leave. Sometimes, I get so used to stepping over it, I get so...

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Your Most Precious Resource

Have you ever heard that time is your most precious resource? Ever heard of the importance of time management?

While time management is an important skill, it may come as a surprise that time is not your most precious resource.

In fact, it’s...

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Letting It Go

Someone I know recently asked me this question: "How do I let the negative feeling go? Do I just tell myself that it doesn't matter?" 

I often do some research for the blogs/articles I write and while researching for the answer...

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Choosing Happiness

In his book, The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says that “you really only have one choice in this life, and it’s not about your career, whom you want to marry, or whether you want to seek God. People tend to burden themselves with so...

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3 P's of Pessimism

I used to think it was as simple as “pessimists see the glass as half empty and optimists see the glass as half full". But I learned that there’s more to it. The following is information taken from Mind Over Medicine, written by...

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Sick Versus Well

After 12 years of medical school, 8 years in clinical practice in the hospital — performing surgeries and delivering babies — and struggling with personal health issues, Lissa Rankin M.D., left the traditional healthcare system. She...

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Why Not Celebrate?

I like making to-do lists of things to do in a day. It helps me organize my thoughts and helps me see my productivity for the day.

Sometimes there’s a lot on there. And I try my hardest (…ok, maybe not always “my hardest”,...

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It's Not Necessary

Stress management does not have to involve sitting cross-legged on a pillow on the floor of your living room, in a studio somewhere, or on some mountain top in a far away land. While this can be a part of your stress management routine, it is not...

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The Science and Art

I enjoy sharing the science of stress management. I like explaining to my audiences the way stress affects their heart, brain, and body and the way those function, and what research shows are tools and strategies to conquer stress.

But really,...

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