What Does God Feel Like?

No matter what name you give The Divine - God, Source, Universe, Life Energy - it is in you. You are made of It/Him/Her. That is the Truth. Religions say it. Science says it. (If you don’t think science agrees, look into Quantum Science.)

We just sometimes forget it.

What if you consciously remembered to experience this Truth? What if you experienced the Divine in you? What would that be like?

What does God feel like?

You know the characteristics of God. You know that God is kind, loving, creative, bold, wise, peaceful, patient (and more).

What would it feel like to experience those characteristics of God in you? Try it!

I would say “try Him on you,” like a coat, but really it’s more like “try Him in you”. 

What does God feel like?

Spend a few moments, right now, really experiencing each aspect of the Divinity in you. You don’t have to imagine these aspects coming from somewhere; they are already there, here. You simply have to be aware of them, here, in you, and your attention on them will naturally amplify your experience of them.

Bring your attention and awareness to:

God’s kindness within you. Where is the limit of this kindness?

God’s love within you. How does it feel different than "human love"?

God’s creativity within you. What does that creative force feel like in you?

God’s boldness within you. What’s different when you experience this?

God’s wisdom within you. Where does it feel like this wisdom resides?

God’s peace within you. What changes occur in your physical body?

God’s patience within you. How would you describe that feeling?

What does God feel like?

A few things happen when you experience God within you.

  1. You are not stressed.
  2. You build resilience.
  3. With repeated practice, it gets easier and easier to experience.
  4. You become more God-like. 

And isn’t that the point of life? To remember and experience the Truth?

How can you experience and live more Truth today?

Here’s to conquering stress.

With heart,

The Stress Experts

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