A Closer Look at the Two Wolves

We each have two wolves within us: a Love wolf and a Fear wolf. The wolf we feed wins. Read the whole blog here: A Tale of Two Wolves

People often look around at life and wonder, “Gosh, why am I so unhappy? Why is my life so hard? Why don’t I enjoy life? Why am I so stressed?” 

Then they grumble and complain about it some more. They get angry at themselves, others, God. They blame something or someone. They get resentful and bitter. They turn in on themselves and have a pity party. 

Here’s the pickle: That right there is feeding the Fear wolf. And then the Fear wolf wins. And then you remain unhappy, stressed, and dissatisfied. 

It is common sense, but common sense isn’t always common practice. If you want to feel happy, you have to feel happy. If you want to feel content, you have to feel content. If you want to feel fulfilled, you have to feel fulfilled. You get the picture.

Feeling angry, bitter, disappointed, anxious, fearful, etc will never, I repeat NEVER get you closer to feeling happy, content, satisfied, etc.

It only makes sense. How will feeling angry make you feel happy? How will fear make you feel content? How will blame make you feel fulfilled? It just won’t happen.

So stop feeding the Fear wolf and start feeding the Love wolf. 

Sign up for The 42 Day Choice Challenge to awaken your inner Love wolf!

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