When Being Yourself Isn't Good Enough

“Be yourself.” This is some pretty common advice. I’ve given it and I’ve gotten it. It is great advice when it comes to making an impression, whether that is in speaking with others, meeting a new person, or getting to know someone. Being yourself is crucial so that others can get to know…well…you!

But this advice has a pitfall. Here’s what I mean.  Have you ever described yourself either mentally or out loud, saying something like, “I can’t be alone” or, “I am an impatient person”, or, “I am so indecisive”? The things you tell yourself about who you are aren’t written in stone. But when you can only “be yourself” that’s all you’re going to get. Being yourself in these cases just keeps you stuck, in the excuse of, “Well, that’s just who I am.” Sometimes being yourself isn’t enough. Sometimes you have to grow beyond who you think you are, to who you could be if you just put in more effort, more love, more heart.

So be yourself when you have to be. But otherwise, be better than yourself. Be the best version of yourself.

Check out The 42 Day Choice Challenge to be better than yourself!

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The Stress Experts

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