Are You Alive?

Generally speaking, we have become an inactive bunch. Most of us live a predominantly sedentary life. Sitting at computers, in a vehicle, or in an office. We don’t do much moving around. All this sitting around takes a toll on our physical...

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How to Find Time

“I don’t have time.”

Do you ever say this?

Maybe you say any number of variations of that statement: “I don’t have time to do my favourite hobby.” Or, “I don’t have time to eat healthy.” Or,...

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The Pollution No One Talks About

It is not okay to litter. 

In fact, in Manitoba, there is a fine of about $200 if you are caught littering (unless you litter from a business vehicle, then it’s about $2500!). In Toronto, you could be looking at a $500 fine, and in some...

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The Voice In Your Head

There’s a voice in your head. 

Everyone has one. If you don’t think you do, it was the voice in your head that just said “I don’t have a voice in my head.” 

Don’t worry, you’re not crazy....

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The Marathon of Life

If you were going to run a 26km marathon, would that physical ability just appear? No. You would train for it.

Would you start training the day of the race? No. You wouldn’t. Instead, you would prepare for the challenge. You would train for...

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I Really Didn't Care

In university, when I was learning to be a Physical Therapist, all I really wanted to learn about was how to rehabilitate people, specifically after musculoskeletal injury. But I remember learning about stuff I really didn’t care about at...

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The Mud of Anger

 I recently watched a video of Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk and peace activist, beautifully answering a question about anger from a little girl:

Little girl: When I get angry, how do I let my anger out?

Thich Nhat Hanh: Do you...

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Parenting 101

I am not a parent. 

But I can imagine that as a parent you want the best for your child. You have a vision of who you’d like your child to be. You want them to grow up to be a “good person” - usually a combination of kind,...

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I was recently asked, “Where do you get the ideas for your blogs?”

I answered, “They usually just come to me.”

Well this one you’re reading right now wasn’t “coming”.

I had a problem: I needed...

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How to Change Reality

What is reality?

Well, the Oxford dictionary defines reality as “the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.”

But the question becomes then, “What actually...

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