Well-Meaning Positivity

Have you ever told someone about a negative experience you recently went through? 

And have you ever felt worse after hearing the “positive-spin” response from that well-meaning person?

Sometimes, we tell ourselves these similar...

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Wisdom from Ice Cream

It is unbelievable how this spring has felt like summer! It’s hot during the day, and the nights don’t cool off a whole lot - unlike some springs when we get frost that kills the apple blossoms.

Do you know what hot weather means? Ice...

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Judging Value

I recently received this in an email from one of my blog readers. It was good food for thought and I want to share it with you:

“Most of us strive to be at our best, but sometimes we falter in that attempt. Unfortunately we tend to be...

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Receiving: The Gift

For many people, myself included, giving is much easier than receiving - whether it is compliments, gifts, help, advice, or anything like that. Why?

I feel better when I am giving rather than receiving. Receiving makes me feel uncomfortable....

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Are You Guilty of Overcare?

I’m going to be straight up honest with you, these weekly blogs that I send out to my subscribers are not always a pleasure to write. I have difficulty coming up with topics to write about. (So, if anyone of you have a suggestion, please...

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The Pitfall of Efficiency

I like to be efficient. I like to get things done fast…once I get those things started, LOL.

Shovelling the driveway, for some reason, is a timed event.

Making supper is a race to see how fast I can make the food and get dishes done at the...

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How Your Judgements of Others Affect You

I read something eye-opening in a book I'm reading, The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence by Jessica Ortner. I have spent almost an hour trying to paraphrase it to share with you, but I just can’t seem to capture...

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What's God Got to Do With it?

As much as some people would like to, we cannot remove God from healthcare (…or from anywhere!) Our beliefs about God and our relationship to Him are integral in our wellbeing. This is true whether you call Him God, Love, Universe, Creator,...

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Where's the Real Problem

If you are reading this blog, or any blog from The Stress Experts, you are probably interested in learning how to conquer your stress…or you’re interested in learning how to decrease feelings of anxiety, anger, worry, fear and the...

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True Hope

When it rains, it pours.

I have a lot to be grateful for, but the past couple years have had their fair share of personal challenges for me. Things not coming together, things falling apart, dreams deflated, bouts of sickness, loss, and failure....

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