Training Your Thoughts

I’m always a little amused when I drive through a town or city and I see all the dogs, big and small, taking their owners for walks.

Those dogs are pulling so hard on their leashes, honestly believing that they’re steering the...

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A Balloon in the Wind

Imagine for a second that you are a balloon in a wind storm, tethered on a long string.

Because your string is long, you are whipping around back and forth. It is so difficult to stay still and calm because the storm tosses you about.

This is the...

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Big Shoes to Fill

When I was a kid, maybe 9 years old, my mom brought home a pair of secondhand boots for me. I absolutely loved them. They were black lace-up, just above the ankle, with a low heel. But they were too big on me.

I knew that I’d grow into them,...

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A Monster on a Rope

I have monster on a rope.

She is a shape shifting monster and she has many different faces.

Sometimes she is fear and she whispers to me, “But what if they reject you?”

Sometimes she is anger and she is indignant in her need to be...

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Practice Makes Perfect...Right?

Practice makes perfect.

As a perfectionist this phrase was music to my ears.

“I can be perfect, as long as I put in more practice?! Deal.”

So I practiced in every area of my life. I practiced in the kitchen. I practiced in business. I...

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The Uncomfortable Topic: Spirituality

Imagine someone coming to your front door to sell you a vacuum cleaner. You’ve never had a vacuum cleaner before. They make a good case for their product and you buy one.

The salesman brings you the box from his truck and then leaves. You...

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What is Empathy?

I was recently talking to a new acquaintance. But as I was talking about what I do, she was throwing out “yeah, but” bombs.

“Yeah, but you don’t have kids.”

“Yeah, but you don’t work for a terrible...

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The Holes in Your Boat

Imagine that you are a fisherman. Everyday you get into your little wooden boat and paddle your way to the open water to cast your line. You enjoy fishing. That’s why you do it.

But lately it hasn’t been fun. Tiny little holes have...

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Ask the Right Question

I ask a lot of questions, but maybe you’d never notice. I don’t ask them out loud. I ask them in my own head.

“Is this the right thing to do?”

“Do they think I’m crazy?”

“Is this the best way to go...

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The Good, The Bad, and The Smelly

I am a home body. I love being at home. I love my own bed. I love my own shower. And I love my routine. This isn’t a bad thing. I think it’s good to appreciate your living situation and daily life without needing anything...

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