Are You Alive?

Generally speaking, we have become an inactive bunch. Most of us live a predominantly sedentary life. Sitting at computers, in a vehicle, or in an office. We don’t do much moving around. All this sitting around takes a toll on our physical health.

Our bodies were designed to move. They work better when we have more activity and we feel better when we have more movement in our days. Movement is good for us and our health.

So how do you get more active?

Some people go to the gym. They set aside a block of time in their day to go somewhere to move their body. To be active. They place a challenge on the body to build strength, flexibility, and endurance. 

Other people incorporate movement into their day. They take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. They bike to get the mail. They walk across the farmyard instead of use the gator or quad. They may even purposefully store the most-used items in the kitchen in a place that makes them walk or bend to get them.

Going to the gym is the formal practice of increasing activity. While there is nothing wrong with doing either method, it is best to do both.

We have a similar issue emerging with the state our mental bodies. 

Generally speaking, we have become an unaware bunch. On a scale of fully sleeping to fully awake, most of us are just over the half way mark, and are only slightly awake throughout our day. Most of us live a “sleepful” life.

What does this mean?

We are not aware of our thoughts, emotions, or action tendencies. We aren’t aware of why we do what we do, and sometimes barely even aware that we even do anything. We run on auto-pilot and are ‘asleep’ to life and what’s happening. We are asleep to how what we do, say, or think affects the lives of others and our own life. We aren’t even aware enough to realize that we have choice in how we respond to the events of life.

Our minds were designed to be aware. They work better when we have more awareness and we feel better when we are more aware. Awareness is good for us and our health.

So how do you get more awareness?

Some people meditate. They set aside a block of time in their day to be still and quiet. They create the stillness and quiet not just in their external world, but in their internal world as well. They practice staying awake and fully aware. They meditate to place a challenge on the mind to build strength (by practicing maintaining attention on being present to the now), flexibility (by practicing acceptance and surrender and not rigidity), and endurance (by practicing over extended periods of time).

Other people practice mindfulness. They intentionally increase their awareness to what is happening around them and in them as they go about their day; they increase their awareness of their external and internal environment. They feel the warmth of the water as they wash dishes. They pay attention to how they feel as they engage in conversation with others. They taste the food, smell its fragrance, and feel its textures as they eat it. They see the beauty of the trees and architecture on their drive to work. 

Meditation is the formal practice of mindfulness. While there is nothing wrong with doing either method, it is best to do both.

Your goal is to be more aware. More awake. Your goal is to be on the far side of the scale, fully awake. 

Because that is when you are fully alive.

Are you ready to become fully alive? Are you ready for more happiness and freedom to choose? Join the 42 Day Choice Challenge and discover where you've been asleep to your life and not fully living.

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The Stress Experts

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