How to Share in Someone Else's Success

Recently, I was out with two friends, Betty and Jan. I complimented Jan on something that she had done really well. Jan beamed and seemed to glow with the recognition. Betty on the other hand darkened as if a storm cloud grew inside...

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Looking for Healing

I recently had a conversation with someone that was explaining how frustrated he was because he couldn’t find something to heal him. He had tried a smattering of different kinds of medication. He had tried doctors, different therapists,...

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How to Be Happy: Lessons From Kindergarten

Most of us go to school for at least 13 years. That’s a long time. We learn math and spelling, chemistry and biology. Some of what I learned I use everyday, and honestly a lot of it I can’t remember ever...

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Strength and Vulnerability

I think we can all agree that strength is an admirable quality and something to strive for. But what is strength? 

Is strength when someone is at the top professionally?

Is strength when someone never loses an argument?

Is strength when...

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What to Do When You've Fallen Off the Horse

I didn’t literally fall off a horse, but it felt similar in a way. I have a few tools up my sleeve to handle stressors when they inevitably come my way. But the other day, I didn’t use any of them. I got in an argument...

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10 Things You NEED to Know About Stress

There are about 100 ways to look at stress. 99 of them are wrong. And if you are looking at stress wrong, you're never going to get it right. If you ever want to eliminate stress, pay attention because we've got the 10 things you need to know...

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The Science of the Heart

Did you know:

  • Your heart is the most powerful organ in your body, even more powerful than your brain. Your heart began to beat before your brain was even formed and even now your heart is capable of beating without the brain.
  • When you tap...
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Seeing Is Believing: Measuring Stress Reduction

There are so many “stress-less” methods and techniques out there it’s hard to keep up. There’s breathing, meditation, and exercise. There’s super-foods, vitamins, and minerals. There’s this gizmo and that...

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This Is Why You Do Stupid Things

I went through an interview process to get into Physical Therapy. My very first interview at 18 years old. Only 50 people were accepted per year into this program at the University of Manitoba and I had no backup plan for the year if I was not...

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How to Be Free

I dislike being told what to do.  I dislike being told what not to do.  I don’t think I'm alone in this.  As kids we are told what to do and what not to do quite a bit.  When we reach a certain age and we start to be...

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