Strength and Vulnerability

I think we can all agree that strength is an admirable quality and something to strive for. But what is strength? 

Is strength when someone is at the top professionally?

Is strength when someone never loses an argument?

Is strength when someone never cries or feels emotional?

I think our society really praises these features. We often consider money more important than morals. We brag about winning arguments. We tell emotional children and adults, “Oh, don’t cry; be strong.”  

In essence, the perception is that strength is the opposite of vulnerability. Strength is good and desirable, while vulnerability is bad and uncomfortable. So what is vulnerability then?

Vulnerability is the ability to be honest with ourselves about what is truly going on inside and at the same time allowing others to see it. It is opening ourselves up to the possibility of being hurt, but at the same time opening ourselves up for deeper connection. Is it just me, or does this sound like true strength? Maybe strength and vulnerability are not opposites after all.

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