The Science of the Heart

Did you know:

  • Your heart is the most powerful organ in your body, even more powerful than your brain. Your heart began to beat before your brain was even formed and even now your heart is capable of beating without the brain.
  • When you tap into the power of your heart, physiologically, you tap into the strongest force you've ever known. A force capable of reprogramming your brain, overcoming fear and limitation, and enhancing performance,
  • As your heart guides you into being the best version of yourself, you become positively contagious to those around you. Like a pebble in a pond, your small actions done with heart will ripple out beyond you, affecting the world around you.

Stress and Your Body

When you experience stress in the form of negative or depleting emotions, your heart feels it. Your heart rhythm becomes disordered and irregular. This in turn disrupts every other system in the body, including the brain, immune system, hormonal system, and digestive system. This results in poor decision-making, decreased concentration, sickness, imbalances, weight gain, and so much more. This explains why you don't feel good when you are stressed. Literally your body and brain is helter-skelter when under the influence of negative emotion.

Feeling Good

On the other hand, when you experience emotions that are renewing or positive, it feels good because it makes your body and mind work better. When you feel a positive emotion, your heart rhythms become smooth, regular and ordered. This brings into order all the other systems in your body, resulting in clearer thinking, better memory, enhanced immune function, internal balance, easier digestion, and so much more. This is why feeling good feels good! Your brain and body work better than ever when you are feeling positive emotions.

Why Live With Heart

Living with heart means that you spend more time feeling heart emotions, such as love, care, compassion, forgiveness, appreciation, ease, and calm. This not only helps your body and mind work better, it also helps your life run more smoothly. Little things don't rattle you as much. You handle the big things with more grace. And you recover more quickly. 

When you live from the heart:

  • waste less energy on stress and overwhelm
  • have more energy to spend on what matters to you
  • feel healthier and more alive
  • follow your heart
  • form more meaningful connections with others

Life is better when lived with heart. You are better when you live with heart.

Easier Said Than Done?

The techniques that we teach in our coaching, are simple, but not always easy. Stress can become a habit and it can take effort to overcome any habit. But we promise you, the rewards are plentiful. Currently, your brain is in a habit, what we call the stress habit. But when you learn to live from the heart, you can overcome the brain's habits. This is because the heart is more powerful than the brain, by far. When you sincerely start living from the heart, it will get easier and easier.

Here's to conquering stress.

With heart,

The Stress Experts

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