How to Share in Someone Else's Success

Recently, I was out with two friends, Betty and Jan. I complimented Jan on something that she had done really well. Jan beamed and seemed to glow with the recognition. Betty on the other hand darkened as if a storm cloud grew inside of her, and she walked off, away from Jan and I. Obviously, I had struck a nerve in Betty, which was certainly not my intent. My compliment to Jan had inadvertently doubled as an insult to Betty.  

Have you ever felt deflated in the presence of someone else’s success? Where it seems that they get all the light on them? We each have our own successes, our own turn in the light. While we are in the light, it is important to avoid hogging it all, and to let some bounce off and around us. And while it is someone else’s turn in the light, to be content to celebrate with them in their radiant success and to bask in the light that comes off them. 

Sometimes we are like the sun, the source of brilliant light. Other times, we are like the moon that glows because it basks in the radiant light from the sun.

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