How Emotions Affect You Without You Knowing It

Have you ever listened to a scary movie with the volume muted? It’s certainly not very scary. The slow movement down long corridors looks like the characters may be inspecting the decor. The flash of a child running by could be a youth...

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Things to Consider

Have you ever wondered any of these following points? I highly encourage you to take some time to reflect on each question.

  • Why do you let in the criticism, but not the compliments? 
  • Why does your spouse’s tardiness mean he/she...
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Appreciation Versus Gratitude

The terms gratitude and appreciation are often used interchangeably, but have you ever paused to consider the difference?

Gratitude is expressing or showing your thanks for something or someone. It’s like, “Honey, thanks for painting...

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A Closer Look at the Two Wolves

We each have two wolves within us: a Love wolf and a Fear wolf. The wolf we feed wins. Read the whole blog here: A Tale of Two Wolves

People often look around at life and wonder, “Gosh, why am I so unhappy? Why is my life so hard? Why...

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A Tale of Two Wolves

An old Cherokee told his grandson,
“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility,...

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How to Get the Approval You Seek

Think about the concept of a spoiled child for a moment. What does spoiled really mean? When a child is spoiled it means that they get too much approval constantly. And this approval comes from outside them, from parents, family, and strangers in...

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Delaying Instant Gratification

Have you noticed how fast-paced your life is? So much information is available at our fingertips, instantly! You want to know something right now? No problem, Google it. Can’t wait to have your friend see your vacation photos? Share them...

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Why Therapy Doesn't Always Work

Therapy focuses on bolstering your self-esteem, decreasing your hurt feelings, and bandaging your wounds. At this point, you might be saying, “That doesn’t sound bad to me!”

And therapy isn’t bad, but the best form of...

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How to Get a Thicker Skin

Before I begin, let me just say that I am not pro-bullying. But the anti-bullying movement is maybe missing the mark a little bit.

Anti-bullying is showing up everywhere. It started in schools, but has permeated the workplace and social scene as...

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How to Eliminate Perfectionism

I am a recovering perfectionist, so I get it.  I know the feeling of never being good enough. I know what it’s like to want to look perfect, act perfect, be a perfect coach, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, horse-owner, property-owner,...

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