The Elephant in the Room

The elephant in the room. That saying always leaves me with a humorous image in my head of a shy cartoon elephant trying unsuccessfully to hide its enormous grey body behind the drapes, while the human dinner party guests awkwardly avoid eye...

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Life is Difficult

I recent read this except from a book called Life is Messy, by Matthew Kelly. It struck a chord deep inside me and something told me to share it with you. I hope you somehow benefit from reading this:

Life is difficult. We...

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Preventing Burnout

You have an inner battery.

No, there has been no new anatomical discovery of a lithium ion battery inside of you (that would be quite the feat of evolution!). But you do have a “reserve" of energy. 

This inner battery, this reserve of...

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How to Master the Moment and Reclaim Your Power

Days, weeks, months and even years speed by.

I find it quite common to hear people talk about how fast time is moving and how they can barely keep up. They are tired and feeling powerless.

I think part of the reason for this phenomenon, is that we...

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Master the Basics

Mastering the basics is important in any area of life if you want to progress forward. 

A professional basketball player didn’t progress to that professional level simply because he can perform intricate and complicated maneuvers; he...

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My Friday Fiasco

I record “note-worthy” things on the calendar hanging on my fridge. 

A couple Fridays ago, I wrote “super-duper hot”. The next Friday, I wrote “super-duper windy”. I glanced at the following Friday and...

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A Counter-Intuitive Method

Horses have a lot of stress. They are always on high alert and they are highly reactive to their world. Movement over there. A strange object over there. A noise from somewhere. All these things grab their attention and cause stress. God made them...

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Are You Alive?

Generally speaking, we have become an inactive bunch. Most of us live a predominantly sedentary life. Sitting at computers, in a vehicle, or in an office. We don’t do much moving around. All this sitting around takes a toll on our physical...

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The Voice In Your Head

There’s a voice in your head. 

Everyone has one. If you don’t think you do, it was the voice in your head that just said “I don’t have a voice in my head.” 

Don’t worry, you’re not crazy....

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Parenting 101

I am not a parent. 

But I can imagine that as a parent you want the best for your child. You have a vision of who you’d like your child to be. You want them to grow up to be a “good person” - usually a combination of kind,...

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