Mad Scientist Moment

I had a mad scientist moment. 

The kind of “Eureka!” moment when something I was thinking about, studying, and analyzing came into clear focus. A moment where complicated things became quite simple. 

Obviously we talk about...

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Sheep aren’t usually associated with courage. But for me they are.

I’m a sheep farmer.

I know. It’s a bit random, but after a bit of research, my husband and I decided to purchase a flock of sheep. So now we are sheep farmers.


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The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

I’m a little bit ashamed to admit this to you. I’m watching a show on Netflix called Mom. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a comedy that follows a mother and her adult daughter as they struggle with overcoming their...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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The Extinction of Discernment

Along with the dodo, the Tasmanian tiger, the wooly mammoth, and the passenger pigeon, here’s another item to add to the extinction list: discernment.

What is discernment? It is the ability to sense, grasp, and comprehend obscure ideas....

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The Most Dangerous Type of Person

We are told from a young age from our protective parents, teachers, clergy, doctors, and media that the world can be a dangerous place, filled with dangerous people.

In my opinion, the most dangerous type of person is the Know-It-All.


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When Your Strengths Become Weaknesses

You have strengths. You may or may not be aware of them, but you have them. They might include curiosity, playfulness, compassion, kindness, patience, discipline, perseverance, honesty, or determination, to name a few. 

Using your strengths...

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Stop Trying to Improve

I’m an improvement-junkie. I’m addicted to fixing problems, improving my life, and building myself to be better. 

This tendency in me seems to have brought me to where I am now personally and professionally; I want to believe it...

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Unhealthy Habits You Are Unknowingly Building

Did you know that you are always building some habits?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are building a postural habit right now! 

Right now, in this moment, you are in some sort of posture. You might be sitting, standing, or laying...

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