Unhealthy Habits You Are Unknowingly Building

Did you know that you are always building some habits?

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are building a postural habit right now! 

Right now, in this moment, you are in some sort of posture. You might be sitting, standing, or laying down reading this. Regardless, you are practicing some way of holding your body in a certain posture. The more time you spend in this posture- holding your body in a certain way as you sit, stand, or lay- the more it becomes habit- a regular tendency.

Your postural habit can be “healthy” and serve you (ie. mechanically stronger, less strain on joints, fuller breathing), or it can be “unhealthy” and harm you (ie. tight muscles, uneven wear on joints, shallow breathing).

Check in with yourself right now. Are your shoulders slumped? Are you slightly leaning one way? Is your head over your shoulders or is it being held in a forward position? Is your spine twisted?

In whatever posture you find yourself right now, you are building a habit, healthy or unhealthy.

Ask yourself, is the posture you are in now building the postural habit you want? If this posture you are now in was to become even more automatic and ingrained, will it serve you?

Right now, whether you are aware of it or not, you are also building an emotional habit!

You are always experiencing an emotion. Just like you cannot stop being in a posture, you cannot stop having an emotion. That means that you are always practicing feeling or “being” a certain way. The more time you spend experiencing this emotion the more it becomes a habit.

Your emotional habit can be “healthy” and serve you (ie. improved memory, clearer thinking, wiser decisions, more energy, increased resilience, feeling darn good!), or it can be “unhealthy” and harm you (ie. elevated stress hormone levels, poor sleep, low energy, accelerated aging… research also shows reduced muscle mass and brain cell death!)

Check in with yourself right now. What emotion are you experiencing? Can you put a word to it? Do you feel “light-hearted”, or do you have a sense of a “closed heart”? Are your thoughts, mind, and/or heart racing? What is the tone of your self-talk?

In whatever emotion you find yourself experiencing right now, you are building a habit, healthy or unhealthy.

Ask yourself, is this the emotional habit you want to build? If this emotion you are now experiencing was to become even more automatic and ingrained, will it serve you?

Given the state of the world we live in- with fear, anxiety, depression, anger, uncertainty, loneliness, and overwhelm as common and frequent emotional experiences- it can be difficult to build an emotional habit that serves you. 

That’s why we offer The 42 Day Choice Challenge to help you. Because you are experiencing an emotion in every moment, you have an endless number of opportunities to choose to build an emotional habit that serves you…but first you have to be aware of where the choice points are!

In this Challenge, every day, in the form of a short video, you will receive insight on a simple and unique opportunity to choose to build your new emotional habit. As a bonus, you will receive reflection questions to take your growth to a deeper level.

If you are ready to build an emotional habit that serves you so you can have more energy, a more positive outlook, and experience more happiness and harmony no matter what is happening in your life or in the world, then The 42 Day Choice Challenge is for you!

Join now!


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With heart,

The Stress Experts

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