You Don't Have Time

I hear it all the time from family, friends, clients. Too often, I say it myself. 

“I don’t have time.”

What are we keeping so busy with? Work? Errands? Cleaning? Making more money?

What about spending time with family? How...

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Be the Person You Admire

I recently had the pleasure of being dined and entertained at Celebrations Dinner Theatre in Winnipeg. Wow! I had a blast! The acting, the dancing, the singing, the humour…I just can’t describe. Awesome. The whole cast and crew have a...

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Choose Who You Want to Be

Have you ever noticed that some food for the deepest thought comes from the simplest of places? 

I got my insight from a simple quote from one of my favourite animated films, The Iron Giant (1999). A boy finds a massive metal man that,...

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How to Find Something to Appreciate, Even When It's Hard

I went to a wedding this past weekend. It was my cousin’s wedding. My younger cousin. Yep, it hurt a bit. It’s like they knew how single I was and they didn’t even bother inviting me with a plus-one. To be the single one among so...

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Dealing With Anger

Have you ever held a grudge? Have you ever stayed angry so long you forgot why you were angry in the first place and then because you didn’t want to look silly, you just stayed angry anyway.

Anger is a funny thing.  Despite its bad...

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Looking for Healing

I recently had a conversation with someone that was explaining how frustrated he was because he couldn’t find something to heal him. He had tried a smattering of different kinds of medication. He had tried doctors, different therapists,...

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How to Be Happy: Lessons From Kindergarten

Most of us go to school for at least 13 years. That’s a long time. We learn math and spelling, chemistry and biology. Some of what I learned I use everyday, and honestly a lot of it I can’t remember ever...

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Strength and Vulnerability

I think we can all agree that strength is an admirable quality and something to strive for. But what is strength? 

Is strength when someone is at the top professionally?

Is strength when someone never loses an argument?

Is strength when...

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What to Do When You've Fallen Off the Horse

I didn’t literally fall off a horse, but it felt similar in a way. I have a few tools up my sleeve to handle stressors when they inevitably come my way. But the other day, I didn’t use any of them. I got in an argument...

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How to Help Others Calm Down

Some of you know Milo, our dog.  He's a big, handsome but goofy German Shepherd/Elkhound cross.  He gets pretty excited to walk with me in the mornings. Sometimes, especially when he spots a squirrel, he gets a bit too excited, until I...

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