Not Good Enough

I went to a get together a while ago. It was low key, casual and fun. It wrapped up late and when it was time for my head to hit the pillow I expected to fall asleep, stat. But that didn’t happen. Instead my mind went for a run on its...

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4 Things Our Culture Doesn't Want You to Know

A woman purchases a Diet Coke and says, “Look, here’s the thing about Diet Coke. It’s delicious. It makes me feel good. Life is short. If you want to live in a yurt, yurt it up. If you want to run in a marathon, I mean, that...

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The NEED to Be Right

I can think of a few people in my life who always have to be right. When I have a conversation with them, I get the feeling that nothing I say or do is right and any space between our opinions means that I’m wrong.

While these conversations...

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The #1 Way to Make the Most of Each Day

Recently one of my best friends and mentors told me that she is going through a rough phase. Every night when she goes to bed she feels like her day was a waste. Every night she looks back on her day and feels like she wasn’t productive, she...

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The Real Meaning of Confidence

I believe Mother Nature placed in our bones the fear of new things. It was put there to help us survive when things were much more difficult than they are now. 

But now, when we don’t have to worry about sabre tooth tigers chewing on...

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How to Make It Happen

I am a high achiever. I seem to live by St. Jerome’s saying, “Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.” But when things get tough and life isn’t going my way and I’m...

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How to Stop Beating Yourself Up

“Don’t beat yourself up.” This is pretty common advice to stop the guilt concerning something that you either did or failed to do. Beating yourself up for a long period of time is unproductive and exhausting, so it is best to do...

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When You Think It's Impossible

On a clear, sunny day, look at the sky. Do you see the stars? They’re there. You just can’t see them because the sun is out and shining brighter than the stars. But just because the sun is shining, it doesn’t mean that the stars...

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Advice You Need to Hear: Grow Up!

Okay. I’m just going to say it because maybe no one has told you this for awhile. 

Grow up. Stop acting like a child and just grow the hell up.

We all need to hear this occasionally, especially if you are not telling yourself this...

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How Emotions Affect You Without You Knowing It

Have you ever listened to a scary movie with the volume muted? It’s certainly not very scary. The slow movement down long corridors looks like the characters may be inspecting the decor. The flash of a child running by could be a youth...

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