When You Think It's Impossible

On a clear, sunny day, look at the sky. Do you see the stars? They’re there. You just can’t see them because the sun is out and shining brighter than the stars. But just because the sun is shining, it doesn’t mean that the stars don’t exist. Yes the brightness of the sun is real and valid. But at the exact same time, the stars are just as real and valid.

Have you ever read a great self-improvement book, listened to an interesting TED talk, watched an inspiring youtube video, or maybe read a blog about changing your life and wondered what that would be like for you? And then when the nice fuzzy feelings wear off, you’re left thinking that it’s just not possible for you. You have had a real past. You have real problems. You don’t have time. Those things can happen for other people but it’s just not something that you can do. It’s just not possible.

All too often we get caught up in our way of seeing life, and we think the sky is blue. Period. But the truth of it is, there are several ways to look at life and they are all valid and true. Just because you see life one way does not mean it is the only way life is. Yes it is true for you, but the way others see life is equally true for them. And if you can just shift the way you look at life, your life will shift and you’ll see the stars. The things you once thought were impossible, are not only possible, but simple.

What is your current reality? Where are you stuck seeing that things are just the way they are?

What do you want to change? What would you like to be possible for you, but just can’t believe that it could be?

How is your current belief blinding you from seeing a different way?

Here’s to Conquering Stress,
The Stress Experts

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