Are You an Emotional Couch Potato?

Strength training at the gym requires determination, perseverance and constant challenge. Without challenge, no muscle is gained, no growth is present. While it may be easier to just be a couch potato and do nothing to change and grow, the...

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Why Therapy Doesn't Always Work

Therapy focuses on bolstering your self-esteem, decreasing your hurt feelings, and bandaging your wounds. At this point, you might be saying, “That doesn’t sound bad to me!”

And therapy isn’t bad, but the best form of...

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Don't Repress Emotions. Transform Them

Have you ever heard the term repressing emotions? It’s a not-so-great coping mechanism to deal with stress and negative emotions. It is when you realize that you are feeling a negative emotion and you choke it down and slap a smile on it....

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How to Get a Thicker Skin

Before I begin, let me just say that I am not pro-bullying. But the anti-bullying movement is maybe missing the mark a little bit.

Anti-bullying is showing up everywhere. It started in schools, but has permeated the workplace and social scene as...

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How to Eliminate Perfectionism

I am a recovering perfectionist, so I get it.  I know the feeling of never being good enough. I know what it’s like to want to look perfect, act perfect, be a perfect coach, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, horse-owner, property-owner,...

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Three Sides to Every Story

We say that there are two sides to every story. Let’s say for the sake of discussion, there is his side and her side.

Every person enters into interactions with “baggage”- memories and lessons from past experiences,...

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Why You Can't Describe Your Feelings

Have you ever had such a great idea or epiphany and wanted to share it with someone? Or maybe you’ve had a complicated emotion that you wanted to express to someone, but couldn’t?

That’s because the emotional centres of the...

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How to Embrace Challenge

I think it is human nature to do the easy things.  We have a natural tendency to avoid what we have to work for.  This leads to problems, as the things that matter most are the things that we have to work a little bit harder to get.


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Does it Feel Like You're Going Backwards?

When we start feeling better, it is common to be scared of going backwards, going back to where we were, going back to how we were feeling. 

Rest assured, you can’t go backwards. Not possible. You can’t un-experience something....

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The Stimulus for Growth

Challenges by nature, are more than you can do.  

I don’t say this to discourage you.  And maybe I should rephrase.  Challenges are more than you can do, if you stay the way you are.

Think about it. If it was within your...

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