Being Pulled to Pieces

Have you ever felt torn? Have you ever felt pulled in two different directions? Or maybe even more than two directions? This can happen when we are faced with a choice, or when there’s a lot on our plate.

Do I change or stay the same?


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Letting Go of the Little Things

I don’t think I have a favourite time of year. Or to put it a better way, every time of year is my favourite time of year. I can find beauty in winter’s rolling snow hills and frozen blue sky, the bright leaf buds and flower blossoms...

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Are You Growing or Dying?

You really only have two options: growth or death. You don’t get to stay the same - because everything changes. Businesses, relationships, the human soul never stay the same. They’re either moving forward: growing; or they’re...

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Time Doesn't Heal All Wounds

Imagine that you broke your arm. The bones are out of alignment. It’s terribly painful. And you can’t move it, let alone use it. Of course you go to the doctor, expecting him or her to set it straight and cast it up. But instead, the...

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Stop Wasting Your Money

There are 2 kinds of people. Those who love Costco. And those who hate Costco.

I love it. I don’t really know why, but I do.

I was walking through Costco the other day and marvelling at the stuff that people load up on. There were light...

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What to Do When Someone Pushes Your Buttons

When I was in grade 8, I was set in my teenager wardrobe ways. Daily jeans, hoodie, runners. No exceptions. But one day, I wore something else to school. I had been getting a bit interested in sewing and my mom had helped me sew a pair of capris....

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How to Face Fear

We are all afraid of something. Actually, I think we’re all afraid of a bunch of things.

Some people are afraid of bugs, water, driving, or open spaces. Some are afraid of loud noises. Some people are afraid of doing tasks wrong. Some are...

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2 Secret Weapons to Breaking Any Bad Habit

We all have bad habits. Some of us have a bad habit of smoking, drinking, or using substances. Those are the obvious ones. But what about the less obvious ones.

Do you push snooze? Do you take too big of helpings at dinner? Do you skip your...

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What's Your Stress Personality Type?

There seem to be 4 types of people when it comes to stress. Let’s have some brutal honesty here, which type of person are you?

  1. The Life-Natural. These people are calm, content, happy, and satisfied. Life can hand out the ups and downs,...
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The 3 Most Misunderstood Words

Imagine that I asked you to go out and find a kapinion. It’s really important that you do this and it’s crucial you get it right. If you don’t do it right, it’s going to ruin your life.

You might be asking right now,...

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