Being Pulled to Pieces

Have you ever felt torn? Have you ever felt pulled in two different directions? Or maybe even more than two directions? This can happen when we are faced with a choice, or when there’s a lot on our plate.

Do I change or stay the same?

This option or that one?

Work or play?

This job or the next?

Should I stay or should I go?

Where should I start?

It can feel like there are ropes tied to you, one tugging you one way, one tugging you the other way. And the result? You’re stuck. Paralyzed. Unable to move. And it’s painful.

But this isn’t the case. You’re not being pulled in two directions.

There may be two ropes tied to you. There may be more than two ropes tied to you, pulling on you. You might feel the tug from work and the tug from play. You might feel the tug from Option A and the tug from Option B. You might feel pulled by change and you might feel pulled by consistency. You might feel the pull of every challenge and task before you.

But these things are not pulling you in different directions.

They are pulling you in the same direction.

Toward the best version of yourself.

Every challenge, situation, and circumstance in your life is not there to pull you to pieces. Each challenge is there to pull you, nudge you, direct you, or in some cases plunge you into being the best version of yourself.

Every challenge, situation, and circumstance, no matter how small and insignificant, no matter how crappy and frustrating, no matter how crushing and devastating, is staring you in the face and saying one thing to you, “Can you be bigger than this?”

Can you rise up to meet this? Can you be a better you? Can you dig deeper, reach higher, love harder? Can you be the person you need to be?

That’s why it’s called a challenge, isn’t it? A dare, a provocation, a summons to bring your best self to the situation. Challenge, accepted.

What are your challenges? What direction are you being pulled? Will you accept the challenge?

PS. Sometimes accepting the challenge is stressful! We know. That's why we want to empower you with research-based tools and strategies that not just sound good, but actually work! Check out our coaching, here!

Here’s to Conquering Stress,

The Stress Experts

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