My Frisbee Pride

My puppy, Toby, loves to play fetch, so I bought a new toy- a rubber frisbee.

 I know how to throw a frisbee. Like, I’m not very good at a lot of things, but I pride myself on my ability to throw a frisbee. I used to throw a frisbee...

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You Have More Control Than You Think

There is so much going on in your world, personally and globally, including events and situations such as health challenges, family schedules, and supply chain issues.

There is so much you cannot control!

No wonder you’re stressed, right?


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A Self-Compassion Challenge

Imagine your best friend calls you in the evening one day. He says, “I just can't handle this particularly difficult challenge anymore! I am so overwhelmed…I just can’t take it.”

What is your response?

Is it some...

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Your Soundtrack to Life

Have you ever watched a scary or suspenseful part in a movie while the tv is muted? The experience is very different; it is not scary or suspenseful at all. The scene can actually become rather humorous.

The film industry knows that background...

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Before and After

Abe Giesbrecht had a life-altering wake-up call. Here’s his story:

We did a major kitchen renovation a few years ago and like most people we took pictures before we started and after we were finished so we could look back and see what it...

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Emotional Weightlifting

When you want to get physically stronger, what do you do?

You lift weights. You take on challenge.

If you haven’t lifted weight before and you want to benchpress 200 pounds, do you just set the weight machine at 200 and simply press it?


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Overcoming Perfectionism

Maybe it’s just me, but I find it interesting that sometimes I seem to find themes in my life- I go through an experience, read something, hear something, or see something in a relatively short timeframe that all have a similar theme. My...

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Present Over Perfect

Struggle with perfectionism? You are not alone; I do, too.

It can be difficult be ok with ‘what is’.

Father Richard Rohr emails a daily meditation to his subscribers. He sometimes features other authors/philosophers/etc in his work. I...

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Basic Boundaries

“Setting boundaries is a crucial aspect of mental health, self-care, and well-being. Setting healthy boundaries is empowering, as it protects our self-esteem and self-respect, and allows us to enjoy healthy relationships.” (...

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True Empathy

We all live unique lives. No one ever has and no one ever will live the same life I am living. No two people will go through the same situations, with the same people, in the same circumstances.

I don’t really know what it’s like to...

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