Emotional Weightlifting

When you want to get physically stronger, what do you do?

You lift weights. You take on challenge.

If you haven’t lifted weight before and you want to benchpress 200 pounds, do you just set the weight machine at 200 and simply press it?


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Overcoming Perfectionism

Maybe it’s just me, but I find it interesting that sometimes I seem to find themes in my life- I go through an experience, read something, hear something, or see something in a relatively short timeframe that all have a similar theme. My...

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Best Stress Management Routine

I was recently asked, “What do you do for your stress management routine?”

I thought this was a great question because, one, a routine implies that stress management is not a “once and done” thing; routine implies that it...

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It's Complicated

The world is a complicated place.

Well, it isn’t really, but we sure can make it into a complicated place.

There are complicated relationships. Some people have complicated pasts. Most people have been involved in a complicated situation....

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Don't Brace Yourself

A woman recently spoke to me about her work situation. She is a manager in an organization that has to report to a group of people that have the tendency to be harsh and they often reject (in an inconsiderate way) the ideas her team puts forward.

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Mad Scientist Moment

I had a mad scientist moment. 

The kind of “Eureka!” moment when something I was thinking about, studying, and analyzing came into clear focus. A moment where complicated things became quite simple. 

Obviously we talk about...

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Sheep aren’t usually associated with courage. But for me they are.

I’m a sheep farmer.

I know. It’s a bit random, but after a bit of research, my husband and I decided to purchase a flock of sheep. So now we are sheep farmers.


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The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

I’m a little bit ashamed to admit this to you. I’m watching a show on Netflix called Mom. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a comedy that follows a mother and her adult daughter as they struggle with overcoming their...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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How to Weather Stormy Moods

This year, winter is going out with a bang for us with yet another blizzard. So far, there’s more than a foot of the fresh white stuff and it’s still coming down. Schools are cancelled. Roads are closed. We are even prepared for...

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