Wanting It "Good"

I’m going to make an assumption: you are like me. You don’t like when things get tough, go sideways, upside down, fall apart…or however you’d like to say it.

See, it is human nature is to like things to be predictable,...

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Is That Complaining?

I know some people who complain a lot. (Sometimes, I am one of them! Lol)

But, I also know of a few people that really don’t like to complain. These people deliberately filter the “negative” out of their conversations in an...

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Life is Difficult

I recent read this except from a book called Life is Messy, by Matthew Kelly. It struck a chord deep inside me and something told me to share it with you. I hope you somehow benefit from reading this:

Life is difficult. We...

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What's the Goal?

Goals are important in life. They motivate you to grow and reach higher potential and they provide deep satisfaction when they are accomplished. Much dissatisfaction and stress in life comes from unachieved goals.

To avoid this dissatisfaction and...

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How to Master the Moment and Reclaim Your Power

Days, weeks, months and even years speed by.

I find it quite common to hear people talk about how fast time is moving and how they can barely keep up. They are tired and feeling powerless.

I think part of the reason for this phenomenon, is that we...

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For Your Benefit

Occasionally, there’s some good stuff shared on social media. Stuff that lifts the spirit, that inspires and challenges us to be better. Stories of love, compassion, and understanding that invite us to be more human.

Here’s one from...

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Master the Basics

Mastering the basics is important in any area of life if you want to progress forward. 

A professional basketball player didn’t progress to that professional level simply because he can perform intricate and complicated maneuvers; he...

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What's In Your Cup?

I read this analogy on social media and I just needed to share it with you:

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?...

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It's What You Get

I always have a Netflix series on the go. I am not overly picky when I chose what one to watch. I recently watched “The Worst Witch”. I think it was probably created for people in their teens or maybe younger…well, let’s...

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Life is Like a Casserole

There are 2 kinds of people in this world.

There is the one kind of people that don’t care that the food on their plate touches. Heck, they may even mix their food together. Potatoes, gravy, beef, salad, and corn on one forkful.


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