It's What You Get

I always have a Netflix series on the go. I am not overly picky when I chose what one to watch. I recently watched “The Worst Witch”. I think it was probably created for people in their teens or maybe younger…well, let’s just say it was for people younger than me.

Regardless, it was pretty good, clean, and entertaining. 

The show is about a girl who is clearly a witch because she has the powers of a witch, but she doesn’t come from a witching family, which is unheard of. This girl goes to a school for witchcraft where she makes friends with other witches her age who have grown up in witching families.

In one scene, the main character is talking to her friends about her life at home. She describes what she did over the weekend and her ordinary “human” experiences to her friends. Her friends are completely surprised and almost jealous of her seemingly extraordinary life adventures. These “adventures” included things like riding a bus, taking out the garbage, and using a dishwasher.

This made me think. There are so many things that we take for granted. So many things that we complain that we HAVE to do. We get so stuck in the monotony or the “rut” of everyday living that we fail to recognize that there is someone somewhere that wishes they could do what we are doing. Wishing they had the ability or the opportunity to do what we take for granted or complain about.

If an alien came here from another planet, he would observe what we do with fresh eyes and from a different perspective. The alien would see the unique experience that comes with the activity.

Every activity/task/job/project you do is a gift, a blessing, an experience you get to have. Just think about it, you get to ride a bus! You get to make lunch! You get to drive a car! You get to build a house! You get to vacuum the house! You get to go to work! You get to wash dishes! You get to exercise and move your body! You get to cut your grass! You get to go grocery shopping! You get to make a bed!

Jon Gordon, author and speaker, summarizes this well: “Today is a great day to focus on what we GET TO do instead of what we HAVE TO do. Life is a gift, not an obligation.”

Sadly, we view the things that we get to do as things we don’t want to do. What if you turn this around and view the things you don’t want to do as things that you get to do? 

This way, you can experience life as the gift it really is…and be grateful.

Can you see what you HAVE to do as something you GET to do?

This is just one way to truly be happier. Get even more happiness in your life through Short-Term Coaching or Long-Term Coaching with us!

Here’s to conquering stress.

With heart,

The Stress Experts

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