How to Control the Future

Did you know that you have the power to control the future? It’s not completely up to fate or chance or grand design.

Your power to control the future is in the power of the now.

What you think in this moment affects what you think in the next. What you do in this moment affects what you do in the next. What you feel in this moment affects what you feel in the next.

But not only your future is affected.

What you say in this moment affects what another person says. The way you behave in this moment affects the behaviour of another. The way you feel in this moment affects the way another feels.

What you choose in this moment changes the trajectory of the next moments. Your life is like a “pick-a-path” novel. What you choose now, determines the future.

Let’s say you had a disagreement with someone and your feelings were hurt. Later, when you see this person walking up to you, you have a choice.

You can choose to be cold, bitter, and short with him. You may possibly say things you later regret or do hurtful things. He may then feel hurt and defensive. He may retaliate, throwing hurtful comments back at you. This will most likely lead to more of your feelings being hurt. Your choice to be cold, bitter, and short contributes to the future dissolution of the relationship.

Or you can choose to be warm and open with him, even if your feelings were hurt in a previous exchange. This will most likely lead to clear and meaningful communication and deeper understanding on both parts. Your choice to be warm and open contributes to the future solidity of the relationship.

Your future moments, the trajectory of your life and his life, depends on which path you choose.

It may sound overdramatic, but literally every moment has the potential to change the future.

If you can stay present and aware and control your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions in this moment, you are controlling the future.

Take advantage of now and control the future.

And when it seems that it all takes too much effort, remind yourself that the effort you are putting in is the energy it takes to control the future.

That’s worth the effort.

Obviously, your choices matter. But it isn’t always easy to see what choices you have. That’s why we created the 42 Day Choice Challenge, to help you create a brighter, happier future. Join us now.

Here’s to conquering stress,

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