Are You Coasting?

I can fall into a bad habit.

I put things off. I procrastinate. I coast along every now and then without putting in any effort.

I have dreams and desires, hopes and aspirations. But I put them off.

Why? I honestly have no idea.

But this week, after a bit of coasting, I had enough.

I pulled out a marker and wrote a mile long to-do list on the dry erase board on my fridge. 
And. I. Hammered. It. Out.

I got my buns in gear and started hustling. I caught up on stuff around the house. I got ahead on a course I’m taking. I reached out to people I was putting off. I did yard work. I cleaned up stuff that was still lingering about from winter. I hung out with the horses. I journaled. I brainstormed. I did some inner work and some outer work.

And I scratched it all off my list.

I know, it doesn’t sound like a big deal. But it really is.

See I wasn’t just putting off little menial tasks. Those menial things are important to me. That means by putting them off, I was putting ME off.

While coasting might sound like the easy way out, its relief is temporary; it leads to misery. Hard work on the other hand is just that - hard. But the rewards are outstanding when you do what it takes.

It’s like you are taking a bike ride and you’re faced with a fork in the road. On the left, you have a downward slope, great for coasting…followed by a mile of bumps, ruts, mud, and obstacles. And on the right, you have a steep upward climb, followed by beautiful scenery, a clear path, and wind at your back. Which path do you want to take?

What things are you putting off?

What things are you avoiding?

Where are you procrastinating?

Who are you putting off?

Are those things important to you, your soul, your dreams?

When are you going to do what it takes to get to where you want to be?

Is conquering stress and being happy where you want to be? Start here.

Here’s to Conquering Stress,

The Stress Experts

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