Guilt and Gratitude

I am very fortunate.

I have parents that love me dearly. They provide me with so much to satisfy (and over satisfy!) my material, financial, educational, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. They want me to flourish and live a full life and...

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Recipe for a Happy Life

I love cooking and baking. I don’t do anything fancy, but I enjoy making good food. Usually, I find a recipe on the internet, start making it, realize half way through that I don’t have one of the ingredients, and then proceed to wing...

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You're Dying

What if you went to the doctor today and were given a terminal diagnosis? What if you were told that you’re dying?

What would you do with your remaining days?

I know what I would do.

My days would be filled with simple pleasures. I’d...

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Who Are You?

My dad has a few saying that have stuck with us, his 9 children. As I’ve gotten older, the meaning of the sayings have morphed but remain just as true and powerful. One of the sayings is “Remember who you are.”

But who am I? Who...

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Bored? Here's What to Do.

When I was younger, I remember complaining to Mom, “I’m bored.” I wanted her to take away the boredom…but I was always crossing my fingers that she wouldn’t just give me a list of chores. Yuck.

Now that I’m...

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3 SPECIFIC Ways to Improve Mental Wellness

I recently came across a resource that listed 3 ways to improve mental wellness: 1) get exercise, 2) get rest, and 3) eat healthy.

While I agree that exercise, rest, and healthy eating are important factors in improving mental wellness, I feel...

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My Theme Word

In January, for the past few years, I have chosen a word to be my “theme” for the year. The word is a virtue or a positive character trait that I would like to cultivate in myself. It is a part of myself I want to grow, or it’s...

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That's Christmas to Me

I was listening to Christmas music the other day as I did my work around the house. One of my favourites is That’s Christmas To Me by Pentatonix. The lyrics describe things that make Christmas…well, Christmas, such as a...

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Can I Eliminate Negative Emotion?

Anxiety, worry, anger, overwhelm, and fear are just some examples of negative emotions. Negative emotions typically don’t feel good. Because they don’t feel good, we try to avoid them, expunge them from our reality. Never to be felt...

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What is the Reason?

Everything happens for a reason…it’s just that the reason is not always easy to see.

“Everything happens for a reason” is not just a saying or platitude. It is true. And it is true not just for those uncontrollable life...

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