Your Emotional Diet

Did you know that you are always experiencing an emotion? 

When you step outside in the morning and feel the sun, your heart opens, your body tension disappears, you smile and think, “Mmm”. This is appreciation. Even if you don’t recognize it and label it as such, you are still experiencing appreciation.

When you are folding laundry and you think about everything else you have to do and the kids are going crazy in the next room. Your heart closes, your body tension increases, you frown and think, “Ugh”. This is overwhelm. Even if you don’t recognize it and label it as such, you are still experiencing overwhelm.

The emotion you are experiencing in every moment can change in a moment. We experience a wide spectrum of emotions throughout the day. This is normal.

Regardless of whether or not you label your emotion correctly or whether or not you are aware of experiencing an emotion, the emotion is still present.

So what? “Big deal”, right?

It is a big deal! Your emotions significantly change your physiology (more so than your thoughts!), meaning that they change the way your body functions, right down to the cellular level! Emotions can either make your body systems work together better, or they can create inner chaos.

We know that what we put into our body affects us and how our body functions. That’s why we look at the nutritional facts on the food we eat. We care about the diet we have; we care about eating “healthy”. We care about taking care of ourselves.

If every moment, you were physically eating something, you would be conscious of your diet and choose what you eat because it would affect you, and you would want control of how you are being affected.

Well, in every moment you are “eating” emotions. Your emotional diet affects you. Your emotions affect you in a physical, mental, and spiritual way. 

I am not a nutritionist, but the way I view food is that there is no “good” or “bad” food. Cookies, cake, and ice cream are in my diet but they do not make up the majority of it. I am aware that when I eat a cookie, I am eating quite a few calories and not quite getting the “proper” nutrients. I choose to more often eat salad and vegetables.

The same goes for my emotional diet. There is no “good” or “bad” emotion. Worry, fear, and anger are in my emotional diet but they do not make up the majority of it. I am aware that when I experience worry, I am unnecessarily draining my energy and making it difficult to think clearly. I choose to more often “eat” patience, calm, and joy.

I think that if we would check the “nutritional facts” of the emotions we “eat”, we might make some healthier emotional diet choices.

What emotions make up the majority of your emotional diet? Is it impatience, overwhelm, and worry? Or compassion, love, and peace?

Get the “nutritional facts” of emotions and emotional diet tips with a FREE 30 min consultation. Book now.

Here’s to conquering stress.

With heart,

The Stress Experts

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