Things You Would Never Say to Anyone But Yourself

“I’m such an idiot.”

“I’m too fat…no donut for me.”

“Nice one, loser.”

“I’m such a screw-up.”

“He wouldn’t like me, I’m ugly.”

“I’m not going to try…I’ll only fail anyway.”

“I’m not good enough.”

How often have you said these kinds of things to yourself? Probably countless times, maybe daily.

Now imagine saying this to a child… “Timmy, You’re an idiot.” “You’re too fat to have a donut, Johnny.” “Betty, you will only fail anyway, so don’t bother trying.”

I’ll bet anything, you would NEVER THINK of saying this to a child! Ever!  It would affect how they grow up, what kind of people they become, their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love. You would hurt their feelings, perhaps beyond repair.   

Why do we say it to ourselves, then?

Here’s a tip…imagine within you, there is a little boy or a little girl.  Take care of that child, like you would one of your own. Don’t say mean hurtful things to him or her.  Build him or her up to be a wonderful person, full of joy and love and ready to meet whatever the day brings.

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