Putting the Past Where it Belongs

We don’t drive our vehicle by watching in the rearview mirror, neither should we in life.

So many times, so many of us hold on to things from our past: past hurts, loss, betrayals. While these experiences can feel uncomfortable and unforgivable, they help us learn and grow. But they are only good for our growth if we come to peace with them and let them go. 

When you hit a pothole in the road, you learn how to steer your vehicle better, you don’t stare at it in the mirror, you look forward and keep going. Just as when you hit a rough patch in life, don’t fixate on it. Instead, know that it made you grow, look forward and keep going.

Let the past be the past, otherwise, it takes control of our gaze and we are caught looking only in the rearview mirror and unable to look forward. 

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