There Is No Shame

There is no shame in having a coach.

Olympic athletes have coaches. The coach provides encouragement and guidance, and shares strategies on how the athlete can improve their performance. The coach has an outside perspective and can therefore draw awareness to that which the athlete may be blind.

An athlete does not have a coach because the athlete is “broken”, “hopeless”, “lesser”, or “weak”; he has a coach to up his game! He wants to perform better, higher, faster, stronger so he has a coach to help him develop the skills needed to reach his goal and fulfill his potential.

There is no shame in having a coach.

Do you want to up your life game? Do you want to be resilient, embrace challenges of all sizes, conquer stress, be happy, and love your life?

Then you need a stress coach.

Having a stress coach does NOT mean you are crazy, broken, or weak. It means quite the opposite. It means that you know what you want and you are strong enough and determined enough to go after it. A stress coach helps you transform your feelings of chaos, brokenness and weakness into true feelings of peace, wholeness, and strength.

Having a stress coach saves you time. Whether you like it or not, your time on this earth is limited. You can use that limited time to go through life by trial and error, searching for happiness that only comes and goes, or you can use that time to develop skills to create happiness that stays, even when things get tough. A stress coach teaches you the skills and strategies to conquer stress so you don’t waste any precious time.

Having a stress coach saves you money. When you are stressed, you are less efficient and effective at work. This leads to sick days, burnout, stress leave, and maybe even job loss- all costing you money. A stress coach teaches you the skills to be highly productive at work (and at home) even when things are overwhelming.

Having a stress coach helps keep you healthy. Stress negatively affects your brain, all your organs, and your physical and energetic systems. Experiencing chronic stress leads to stress-related conditions, illnesses, and imbalances. A stress coach teaches you the skills to create harmony in your body- a state that fosters healing and proper functioning.

Having a stress coach helps you see that to which you are blind. You are with yourself 24/7. You become oblivious and blind to your emotional habits and personality patterns that keep you stuck where you are and keep you from becoming the best version of yourself. A stress coach lovingly draws your awareness to areas of potential growth.

Having a stress coach keeps you on track. It can be difficult to break old habits of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It’s easy to fall off track and fall back into your old “ruts” and give up. A stress coach holds you accountable and supports you along the way so you can reach your goals.

Having a stress coach is like having a friend for the journey. The path to becoming the “best you" can sometimes seem discouraging and lonely. People you know and love may not like the fact that “you’re changing.” May not like that “you’re different”. It's nice to have someone there for you, but it may not be the people that were once there for you. You want someone to see your hard work as you make (difficult) changes and you want someone to cheer you on as you progress. A stress coach sees you, highlights your progress, and cheers you on.

Having a stress coach is admirable. It proves to the world (and yourself!) that you are committed to growing, to being better, to reaching higher. What’s more admirable than someone who is striving to be all they can be? A stress coach encourages you and empowers you to grow into the best version of yourself.

There is no shame in having a coach.

We would be honoured to be your stress coach! Appointments are available in-person or virtually.

Schedule your first session today!

Here’s to conquering stress.

With heart,

The Stress Experts

Practical Strategies to Deal With Daily Stressors

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